
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lunette englannista suomeksi

  1. lunetti

  2. lynetti

  1. Substantiivi

  2. lunetti

lunette englanniksi

  1. A small opening in a vaulted roof of a circular or crescent shape. (defdate)

  2. (RQ:Allingham China Governess)

  3. {{quote-book|en|year=1982|author=Lawrence Durrell|title=Constance|publisher=Faber & Faber|year_published=2004|series=Avignon Quintet|page=820

  4. A crescent-shaped recess or void in the space above a window or door. (defdate) right|thumb|a lunette in the Thomas Jefferson building of the US Library of Congress

  5. 1930, Offner, Steinweg et al., ''A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting'', p. 49:

  6. The decoration of a lunette discovered in the Duomo of Pistoia in the 1950s, which represents Christ blessing and Saints James and John, all bust-length, constitutes a more remarkable and stylistically more advanced approach to painting.
  7. An image or other representation of a moon. (defdate)

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=1822|author=Moses Aaron Richardson|title=The Local Historian's Table Book of Remarkable Occurrences|volume=3|page=245

  9. A work consisting of two projecting faces forming a wedge each of which extends from one of two parallel flanks. (defdate) right|thumb|two kinds of lunette fortification

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=1863|author=Alexander William Kinglake|title=The Invasion of the Crimea|volume=VII|page=185

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=2001|author=WG Sebald|translator=Anthea Bell|title=Austerlitz|page=21|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2011

  12. A luna: a crescent-shaped receptacle, often glass, for holding the (consecrated) host (the bread of communion) upright when exposed in the monstrance. (defdate)

  13. {{quote-text|en|year=2001|author=David Philippart|title=Basket, Basin, Plate, and Cup: Vessels in the Liturgy|page=33

  14. A type of flattened glass used in watch-making. (defdate)

  15. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=FJ Garrard|title=Watch Repairing, Cleaning and Adjusting: A Practical Handbook|page=157

  16. The circular hole in the guillotine in which the victim's neck is placed. (defdate)

  17. {{quote-book|en|year=1972|author=Vladimir Nabokov|title=Transparent Things|publisher=McGraw-Hill|year_published=1972|page=92

  18. A type of crescent-shaped dune blown up along a lake basin, especially in dry areas of Australia. (defdate)

  19. {{quote-book|en|year=2003|author=Bill Bryson|title=A Short History of Nearly Everything|publisher=BCA|year_published=2003|page=403

  20. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=John K Warren|title=Evaporites: Sediments, Resources and Hydrocarbons|page=31

  21. A half horseshoe, lacking the sponge.

  22. A piece of felt to cover the eye of a vicious horse.

  23. An iron shoe at the end of the stock of a carriage.

  24. ''See lunettes.''

  25. telescope (telescope)

  26. (l)

  27. seat

  28. breastbone

  29. eyeglasses, spectacles

  30. (monikko) it|lunetta