
suomi-englanti sanakirja

а englanniksi

  1. (Cyrl-def)

  2. that, Calling article (o) (attention)

  3. (ux)

  4. but, and, and yet (gl), which usually indicates contrarity

  5. (uxi)

  6. (ngd)

  7. ah!, oh!, well

  8. (ngd): let’s, just

  9. just, to, the point of, almost

  10. (ngd): (l), (l), (l), why

  11. (ngd): (l)

  12. (ngd): (l), (l), (l), or translated with a question

  13. (ngd): (l), (l)

  14. (ngd): now

  15. (ngd): whereas, while

  16. (ngd): (l), yet, rather

  17. and

  18. and, but (gloss)

  19. but, but instead (gloss)

  20. so, huh (gloss)

  21. oh

  22. ah (gloss)

  23. and, whereas

  24. huh?

  25. what about

  26. armspan

  27. but

  28. but, and

  29. (Cyrl-def)|1

  30. (Latn-def)

  31. but, and (gl), which usually indicates contrarity

  32. oh! (gloss)

  33. (ngd): eh

  34. (syn)

  35. {{quote-book|ru|year=1831|author=ru:Александр Пушкин|title=ru:Годунов (трагедия)|Борис Годунов|chapter=Замок воеводы Мнишка в Самборе|location=|publisher=|newversion=English translation from|translator2=en:Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky|title2=Boris Godunov|location2=|publisher2=|year2=2023|page2=|pageurl2=

  36. he, she or it (used to point to a particular person)

  37. but, and (compare (m))

  38. while (on the contrary), whereas

  39. (m) without (usually after negative verbs)

  40. ((m) (m)) and yet

  41. ((m) (m)) not to mention, alone

  42. ((m) + (m) + (m)) if

  43. ((m) + (m)) and so, and also, and too

  44. oh, ah

  45. and, and yet, but