
suomi-englanti sanakirja

spike englannista suomeksi

  1. piikki

  2. nousta, kohota jyrkästi

  3. terästää

  4. tähkä

  5. tehdä tyhjäksi

  6. kiskonaula

  7. naulata

  8. aueta

  1. Substantiivi

  2. piikki, kiskonaula

  3. piikki

  4. tähkä

  5. piikkikenkä

  6. iskulyönti

  7. urosvasa, nuori uroshirvi">nuori uroshirvi

  8. Verbi

  9. terästää

  10. piikata, lyödä iskulyönti">lyödä iskulyönti

spike englanniksi

  1. A sort of very large nail.

  2. A piece of pointed metal etc. set with points upward or outward.

  3. (ux)

  4. Anything resembling such a nail in shape.

  5. (RQ:Addison Medals)

  6. (senseid) An ear of corn or grain.

  7. A kind of inflorescence in which sessile flowers are arranged on an unbranched elongated axis.

  8. A shoe with spikes in the sole to provide grip.

  9. A sharp peak in a graph.

  10. A surge in power or in the price of a commodity, etc.; any sudden and brief change that would be represented by a sharp peak on a graph.

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. The rod-like protrusion from a woman's high-heeled shoe that elevates the heel.

  13. A long nail for storing papers by skewering them; the metaphorical place where rejected newspaper articles are sent.

  14. (synonyms)

  15. {{quote-text|en|year=1974|title=Books and Bookmen

  16. {{quote-book|en|year=2005|author=David Bouchier|title=Writer at Work: Reflections on the Art and Business of Writing|publisher=iUniverse|isbn=9781462065332

  17. {{quote-book|en|year=2013|author=Margalit Fox|title=Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code and the Uncovering of a Lost Civilisation|publisher=Profile Books|isbn=9781847659705

  18. An attack from, usually, above the height of the net performed with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block.

  19. An adolescent male deer.

  20. The ward of a workhouse.

  21. (RQ:Orwell Down and Out)

  22. lavender|Spike lavender.

  23. (synonym of).

  24. A mark indicating where a prop or other item should be placed on stage.

  25. {{quote-text|en|year=2020|author=John Ramsey Holloway; Zachary Stribling|title=Illustrated Theatre Production Guide|page=15

  26. A small project that uses the simplest possible program to explore potential solutions.

  27. (quote-book)|publisher=O'Reilly Media|isbn=9781491950418|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=uq42DwAAQBAJ&pg=PT410&dq=%22spike%22+XP&hl=&cd=10&source=gbs_apiv=onepage&q=%22spike%22%20XP&f=false|text=An architectural spike is used to prove that a specific technical approach works. Teams will often do an architectural spike when they have a few different options for designing a specific technical solution, or if they don't know if a certain approach will work.

  28. To fasten with spikes, or long, large nails.

  29. To set or furnish with spikes.

  30. To embed nails into (a tree) so that any attempt to cut it down will damage equipment or injure people.

  31. To fix on a spike.

  32. {{quote-journal|en|year=1950|author=Cyril M. Kornbluth|title=The Little Black Bag|journal=Astounding Science Fiction|volume=45|issue=4

  33. {{quote-text|en|year=1996|author=Christine Quigley|title=The Corpse: A History|page=144|publisher=McFarland

  34. To discard; to decide not to publish or make public.

  35. {{quote-text|en|year=1981|author=Chris Greyvenstein|title=The Fighters|page=145

  36. {{quote-journal|en|date=October 14 2002|author=Jonathan Sale|title=Edward VIII news blackout|journal=The Guardian

  37. (quote-book)

  38. {{quote-journal|en|date=October 11 2017|author=Lloyd Grove|title=How NBC ‘Killed’ Ronan Farrow’s Weinstein Exposé|journal=Daily Beast

  39. To increase sharply.

  40. 2017, Jennifer S. Holland, ''For These Monkeys, It’s a Fight for Survival.'', National Geographic (March 2017)http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/03/macaques-monkeys-indonesia-endangered-pet-trade/

  41. But the bigger threat is that people in Sulawesi have been eating macaque meat for centuries. Today it goes for about two dollars a pound (an adult macaque weighs 18 to 23 pounds), and demand spikes at holidays.
  42. To covertly put alcohol or a drug into a drink.

  43. {{quote-text|en|year=2021|author=Glenda Young|title=The Miner's Lass

  44. To add a small amount of one substance to another.

  45. To attack from, usually, above the height of the net with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block.

  46. (syn)

  47. To render (a gun) unusable by driving a metal spike into its hole.

  48. (RQ:Marryat Peter Simple)

  49. {{quote-text|en|year=1990|author=Peter Hopkirk|title=The Great Game|publisher=Folio Society|year_published=2010|pages=235–6

  50. To slam the football to the ground, usually in celebration of scoring a touchdown, or to stop expiring time on the game clock after snapping the ball as to save time for the losing team to attempt to score the tying or winning points.

  51. (coi)

  52. To inject a drug with a syringe.