
suomi-englanti sanakirja

skipper englannista suomeksi

  1. lintsari, lintsaaja, koulupinnari

  2. kipparoida

  3. kapteeni

  4. laivuri

  1. kippari

  2. loikkija, hyppijä

  3. lintsari

  4. narunhyppääjä

  5. paksupää, paksupääperhonen

  6. saira

  7. Substantiivi

skipper englanniksi

  1. The master of a ship.

  2. (syn)

  3. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  4. A coach, director, or other leader.

  5. The captain of a sports team such as football, cricket, rugby or curling.

  6. (quote-web)

  7. To captain a ship or a sports team.

  8. (non-gloss definition) one who skips.

  9. A person who skips, or fails to attend class.

  10. One who rope|jumps rope.

  11. Any of various butterflies of the families (taxfmt) and its subfamily (taxfmt), having a hairy mothlike body, hooked tips on the antennae, and a darting flight pattern.(R:Webster 191)

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=c. 1864|author=John Clare|title=We passed by green closes

  13. Any of several marine fishes that often leap above water, especially (taxlink) (saury) and (taxfmt) (sprat).

  14. A young, thoughtless person.(R:Webster 191)

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew)

  16. The (vern), the larva of a fly (family (taxlink)), which leaps to escape predators.(R:Webster 191)

  17. A barn or shed in which to shelter for the night.

  18. To take shelter in a barn or shed.

  19. A short-sleeved (or long-sleeved) tee-shirt, or sweatshirt.

  20. (synonyms)

  21. 1971, World (South African newspaper)|Golden City Post, 26 June

  22. Plain nylon doeks...Men's knitted skippers, long sleeves, three buttons in front.
  23. 1987, Province Herald, 19 August

  24. The special constables..were issued with one pair of boots, two overalls, one raincoat, and two ''skippers'' — but no shirts or warm coats.
  25. {{quote-journal|en|date=26 May 1990|author=O. Musi|journal=(South African magazine)|Drum Magazine

  26. (l)

  27. to (l)

  28. (l) (person in charge of a vessel)

  29. a skipper