
suomi-englanti sanakirja

posa englanniksi

  1. just, hardly, scarcely

  2. pause, rest

  3. place to rest in a path

  4. ringing of church bells when a person dies

  5. loose piece of coal

  6. pose (q)

  7. position

  8. exposure

  9. attitude (gl)

  10. (ca-verb form of)

  11. cat

  12. (inflection of)

  13. pose

  14. posing

  15. exposure (photographic)

  16. placing, laying

  17. (syn)

  18. man

  19. (pt-verb form of)

  20. (es-verb form of)

  21. to propose marriage, to ask to marry

  22. to post

  23. The remaining solid parts of any juiced food; pulp.

  24. sediment, dregs

  25. to boil

  26. to post