
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pose englannista suomeksi

  1. saattaa ymmälleen

  2. olla mallina

  3. poseeraus, asento

  4. poseeraaminen

  5. tekeytyä

  6. hienostella

  7. aiheuttaa

  8. teeskentely

  9. asettaa

  1. asettaa, asetella

  2. kysyä, esittää kysymys">esittää kysymys

  3. poseerata

  4. muodostaa

  5. asento

  6. Substantiivi

  7. Verbi

pose englanniksi

  1. cold|Common cold, cold; catarrh.

  2. (quote-text)|title=Description of England

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1825|author=Robert Herrick|title=The poetical works of Robert Herrick

  4. {{quote-text|en|year=1903|author=Thomas Heywood; Lucian (of Samosata.); Desiderius Erasmus|title=Pleasant Dialogues and Dramma's

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=2009|author=Eucharius Rösslin; Thomas Raynalde; Elaine Hobby|title=The Birth of Mankind

  6. To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect.

  7. (ux)

  8. To ask; to set (a test, quiz, riddle, etc.).

  9. To constitute (a danger, a threat, a risk, etc.).

  10. {{quote-journal|en|year=2010|author=Noam Chomsky|title=The Iranian threat|journal=Z Magazine|volume=23|number=7

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. {{quote-journal|en|author=Ian Black|title=Courts kept busy as Jordan works to crush support for Isis|titleurl=http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/27/-sp-courts-jordan-crush-support-isis|journal=The Guardian|date=27 November 2014

  13. To falsely impersonate (another person or occupation) primarily for the purpose of accomplishing something or reaching a goal.

  14. To assume or maintain a pose; to strike an attitude.

  15. (RQ:Thackeray Shabby Genteel Story) posed before her as a hero.

  16. To behave affectedly in order to attract interest or admiration.

  17. (quote-book)| passage=dressed-to-kill babes and their sugar daddies would rather pose in malls, and teenagers can find ''McDonald's'' anywhere, leaving Váci utterly dependent on tourists for its livelihood and bustle.

  18. To interrogate; to question.

  19. {{RQ:Bacon Henry 7

  20. To question with a view to puzzling; to embarrass by questioning or scrutiny; to bring to a stand.

  21. (RQ:Barrow Works)

  22. (RQ:Dickens Dombey and Son) had likewise a pair of little eyes that were always half shut up, and a mouth that was always half expanded into a grin, as if he had, that moment, posed a boy, and were waiting to convict him from his own lips.

  23. Position, posture, arrangement (especially of the human body).

  24. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity).

  25. Affectation.

  26. To ask (someone) questions; to interrogate.

  27. (RQ:Tyndale NT)

  28. (RQ:Browne Religio Medici)

  29. to puzzle, non-plus, or embarrass with difficult questions.

  30. To perplex or confuse (someone).

  31. cat

  32. bag

  33. (l) or (l)

  34. jail

  35. (alti)

  36. installation

  37. extension (in telecommunications)

  38. (inflection of)

  39. afterwards

  40. (monikko) it|posa

  41. (l), (l)

  42. a (l) or (l)

  43. (l) (gloss)

  44. (pt-verb form of)

  45. (es-verb form of)