


  1. slangia harkittu asento, poseeraus

Liittyvät sanat: position , positive



  1. keinotekoisuus, luonnottomuus, asenteet, keimailu, teeskentely, tärkeily, poseeraaminen, asento, poseeraus, hämmentää, sekoittaa, hämätä, hämäännyttää, panna sekaisin, sotkea, häkellyttää, sekaannuttaa, saada hämilleen, saada ymmälleen, huumata, hämmästyttää, kiusata, pistää, ärsyttää, kummastuttaa, mystifioida, saattaa ymmälle, saattaa ymmälleen, ällistyttää, typerryttää, mykistää, hämmennyttää, askarruttaa.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



saattaa ymmälleen

olla mallina



tekeytyä puhekieltä common cold|Common cold, head cold; catarrh.
1586, W. Harrison

Now (..) have we many chimnies, and yet our tenderlings complain of rheums, catarrhs, and poses.
1825, Robert Herrick, The poetical works of Robert Herrick:
Megg yesterday was troubled with a pose, Which, this night hardned, sodders up her nose.
1903, Thomas Heywood, Lucian (of Samosata.), Desiderius Erasmus, Pleasant Dialogues and Drammas'':
The Ague, Cough, the Pyony, the Pose. Aches within, and accidents without, ...
2009, Eucharius Rösslin, Thomas Raynalde, Elaine Hobby, The Birth of Mankind:
And whereas some say, that they which use oft washing of their heads shall be very prone to headache, that is not true, but only in such that, after they have been washed, roll up their hair (being yet wet) about their heads; the cold whereof is dangerous to bring them to catarrhs and poses, with other inconveniences.
puhekieltä To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect.

To pose a model for a picture.

puhekieltä Ask; set (a test, quiz, riddle, etc.).
puhekieltä To constitute (a danger, a threat, a risk, etc.).
2010, Noam Chomsky, The Iranian threat, Z Magazine, vol 23, number 7:
Rather, they are concerned with the threat Iran poses to the region and the world.
2014, Ian Black, "http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/27/-sp-courts-jordan-crush-support-isis Courts kept busy as Jordan works to crush support for Isis", The Guardian, 27 November 2014:
The threat the most radical of them pose is evidently far greater at home than abroad: in one characteristically slick and chilling Isis video – entitled “a message to the Jordanian tyrant” – a smiling, long-haired young man in black pats the explosive belt round his waist as he burns his passport and his fellow fighters praise the memory of Zarqawi, who was killed in Iraq in 2006.
puhekieltä Assume or maintain a pose; strike an attitude.
He (..) posed before her as a hero.
puhekieltä To interrogate; to question.
Francis Bacon
She (..) posed him and sifted him.
puhekieltä To question with a view to puzzling; to embarrass by questioning or scrutiny; to bring to a stand.
A question wherewith a learned Pharisee thought to pose and puzzle him.
position Position, posture, arrangement (especially of the human body).


affectation Affectation.
puhekieltä To ask (someone) questions; to interrogate.
1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Luke II:
And hit fortuned that after .iii. dayes, they founde hym in the temple sittinge in the middes of the doctours, both hearynge them, and posinge them.
puhekieltä to puzzle, non-plus, or embarrass with difficult questions.
puhekieltä To perplex or confuse (someone).
(l) or (l)
puhekieltä jail
extension (in telecommunications)
(inflection of)
bag, sack
a bag or sack
(es-verb form of)


  • poliisiputka

  • poseen: kiinni

  • posessa: kiinni


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