suomi-englanti sanakirjapine englannista suomeksi
kaivata, kaihota, ikävöidä, riutua ikävästä
pine englanniksi
Any coniferous tree of the genus (taxfmt).
(RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)
(RQ:Allingham China Governess)
Any tree (usually coniferous) which resembles a member of this genus in some respect.
The wood of this tree.
A pineapple.
(RQ:Thackeray Vanity Fair) I bought a pine-apple at the same time, which I gave to Sambo. Let's have it for tiffin; very cool and nice this hot weather." Rebecca said she had never tasted a pine, and longed beyond everything to taste one.
(RQ:Mansfield Bliss) She put the bottle of oysters and the pine on a little carved chair.
The bench, where players sit when not playing.
{{quote-book|en|year=2013|author=Sam Zygner|title=The Forgotten Marlins|page=287
{{quote-text|en|year=2019|author=Martin Copeland|title=The Boys from Dogtown
To languish; to lose flesh or wear away through distress.
(RQ:Marlowe Jew of Malta)
(RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)'' / Shall bring on men. Immediately a place / Before his eyes appeard, ſad, noyſom, dark, / A Lazar-houſe it ſeemd, wherein were laid / Numbers all diſeas'd, (..) / (..) / Dæmoniac Phrenzie, moaping Melancholie / And Moon-ſtruck madneſs, pining Atrophie, / Maraſmus and wide-waſting Peſtilence.
1855, John Sullivan Dwight (translator), “Oh Holy Night”, as printed in 1871, Adolphe-Charles Adam (music), “Cantique de Noël”, G. Schirmer (New York), originally by Placide Cappeau de Roquemaure, 1847
- Long lay the world in sin and error pining / Till He appear’d and the soul felt its worth
(quote-song)|title=Reflection|album=Lateralus|date=May 15, 2001|track=11|url=|passage=Before I pine away (Pine away)
(quote-web)) is the most nominally mature, at least biologically speaking; unlike his childhood companions, he’s entered the early throes of puberty, and spends a lot of his waking hours pining, rather chastely, for a classmate ((w)).
(rfex) (rfquote-sense)
(RQ:Hall Breathings) One is pined in prison; another, tortured on the rack; a third, languisheth under the loss of a dear son, or wife, or husband.
(q) ache
(inflection of)
(gl-verb form of)
(monikko) it|pina
(pt-verb form of)