
suomi-englanti sanakirja

noia englanniksi

  1. girl, young woman

  2. slowworm

  3. (syn)

  4. paranoia (chiefly in a non-medical context)

  5. anguish, sorrow

  6. (RQ:it:Commedia)

  7. boredom, tediousness

  8. bore, yawn, drag

  9. nuisance, bother, trouble, hassle

  10. (uxi)

  11. distress, anguish

  12. frustration

  13. (often excessively) drug-addicted

  14. stoned; doped

  15. crazy; mad

  16. stupid; fool

  17. a drug-addicted person

  18. a person under the effects of one or more drugs

  19. a crazy or mad person

  20. a stupid, foolish or uncivilized person