
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lokal englanniksi

  1. local

  2. (q) extension (gloss), abbreviated lok.

  3. (l),

  4. from or in a nearby location.

  5. having limited scope.

  6. A large (l), (l).

  7. rented estate, especially a room in a larger building, such as a dwelling, office, or shop

  8. spot (gl)

  9. business premises

  10. bar, night club

  11. local, pertaining to the near area

  12. a building or room used for a specific purpose; a room, a venue, a location, a premise, etc.

  13. (ux)

  14. (quote-journal)|title=Kenneth kan förlora sitt bibliotek – enligt hyresvärden är det han kallar hem en lokal|trans-title=Kenneth may lose his library - according to the landlord, what he calls home is a premise|url=https://www.hemhyra.se/nyheter/kenneth-kan-forlora-sitt-bibliotek-enligt-hyresvarden-ar-det-han-kallar-hem-en-lokal/|text=Föreningens ståndpunkt är att rummen i gårdshuset är en lokal och så står det också på hyreskontraktet. Den som hyr en lokal har normalt sett inte samma skydd mot att bli uppsagd som en hyresgäst som hyr en lägenhet.|t=The association's position is that the rooms in the farmhouse are a premise and this is also stated in the lease. Those who rent a premise do not normally have the same protection against being dismissed as a tenant who rents an apartment.

  15. (senseid) a venue for entertainment, like a pub

  16. a habitat (for plants and animals)

  17. local (gl)

  18. (syn)