
suomi-englanti sanakirja

intelligence englannista suomeksi

  1. tiedonkeruuyksikkö

  2. tiedustelutiedot

  3. tiedot

  4. tiedustelu

  5. äly, älykkyys

  1. Substantiivi

  2. äly, älykkyys

  3. tiedustelutieto

  4. sotilastiedustelu

intelligence englanniksi

  1. (cap) of mind, especially to understand principles, truths, facts or meanings, acquire knowledge, and apply it to practice; the ability to comprehend and learn; the ability to process sentient experience to generate true beliefs with a justified degree of confidence.

  2. (RQ:Burroughs Tarzan of the Apes)

  3. 1936 Feb., (w), "(w)", ''(w)'':

  4. ...the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.
  5. (quote-journal)

  6. The quality of making use or having made use of such capacities: depth of understanding, mental quickness.

  7. {{quote-book|en

  8. An entity that has such capacities.

  9. {{RQ:Tennyson In Memoriam|canto=LXXXV

  10. (quote-book)

  11. (cap), often secret, about an enemy or about hostile activities.

  12. (quote-av)

  13. A political or military department, agency or unit designed to gather information, usually secret, about the enemy or about hostile activities.

  14. (cap); intercourse; familiarity.

  15. (RQ:Clarendon History)

  16. (l); cleverness

  17. (ux)

  18. comprehension

  19. a political or military department, agency or unit designed to gather information

  20. intelligence

  21. meaning

  22. ability to comprehend