
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ether englannista suomeksi

  1. eetteri

  1. eetteri

  2. Substantiivi

ether englanniksi

  1. The substance formerly supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere above the clouds, in particular as a medium breathed by deities.

  2. The medium breathed by beings; the air.

  3. (quote-journal)&93;|magazine=The Museum: Or, The Literary and Historical Register|location=London|publisher=Printed for Dodsley|Robert Dodsley(nb...)|date=28 February 1746|volume=II|issue=XXV|page=389|pageurl=;view=1up;seq=457|oclc=931328825|passage=On Wings the ''Birds'' through Æther glide, / And ''Fiſhes'' cut with Fins the Tide.

  4. The sky, the heavens; the void, nothingness.

  5. (quote-web)

  6. (quote-journal) What haunted me was the idea that one moment you’re gazing at your 2-year-old in her playroom and the next, you, the mother, have been whisked off into the ether forever.

  7. (quote-web)'' were actually sucked up into the Soul Stone.

  8. ''Often as'' (l) ''and more fully as'' (l): a substance once thought to fill all unoccupied space that allowed waves to through it and interact with matter, without exerting any resistance to matter or energy; its existence was disproved by the 1887 (w) and the of relativity propounded by (w) (1879–1955).

  9. (quote-book)|date=28 February 1679|year_published=1744|volume=I|page=70|pageurl=|oclc=23629768|passage=I ſuppose this æther pervades all groſs bodies, but yet ſo as to ſtand rarer in their pores than in free ſpaces, and ſo much the rarer, as their pores are leſs. And this I ſuppose (with others) to be the cauſe, why light incident on thoſe bodies is refracted towards the perpendicular; (..) I ſuppose the rarer æther within bodies, and then denſer without them, not to be terminated in a mathematical ſuperficies, but to grow gradually into one another; (..)

  10. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed for Charles Hitch(nb...)|year=1747|oclc=926222596|newversion=quoted in|chapter2=Literary Memoirs. ''A Dissertation on the Æther of Sir Isaac Newton'', by Bryan Robinson, M.D. London, Printed for Charles Hitch, at the Red Lion in Pater-noster-Row, 1747. Containing 140 Pages in Octavo, Exclusive of a Short Preface.|title2=The Museum: Or, The Literary and Historical Register|location2=London|publisher2=Printed for Dodsley|Robert Dodsley(nb...)|year2=11 April 1747|volume2=III|issue2=XXVIII|pages2=59–60|pageurl2=;view=1up;seq=77|oclc2=931328825|passage=Having ſhewn how the ''Æther'' cauſes a great part of the Phænomena of Nature, it may be aſked, whence this general material Cauſe has its great Activity and Power? (..) This Cauſe muſt be either Matter or Spirit, there being nothing in the Univerſe, which we know if, beſides theſe two. But this Cauſe cannot be Matter: for Matter is in own Nature inert, and has not any Activity in itſelf; and conſequently cannot communicate any Power to the ''Æther''. And therefore the Cauſe, which gives the ''Æther'' its Activity and Power, muſt be Spirit. Spirit, which intercedes the Particles of ''Æther'', and gives them a repulſive Power, and ordains and executes the Laws, by which ''Æther'' and Bodies act mutually on one another, muſt be preſent in all Parts of Space, where there is ''Æther''.

  11. (quote-journal)|magazine=The Gentleman's Magazine|The Gentleman’s Magazine, and Historical Chronicle|location=London|publisher=Printed(nb...), for David Henry; and sold by Newbery (publisher)|Francis Newbery(nb...)|date=1 November 1770|volume=XL|page=497|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=192374019|passage=The whole matter of the univerſe may be divided into atoms and æther. (..) The latter, æther, is a ſubtile elaſtic fluid, whoſe particles have a continual tendency to ſeparate or fly off every way, unleſs impreſſed by ſome body: This æther ſurrounds each atom like an atmoſphere, and preſſes equally towards the center of each.

  12. (quote-book)

  13. The atmosphere or space as a medium for broadcasting radio and television signals; also, a notional space through which Internet and other digital communications place; cyberspace.

  14. (w), ''(w)''

  15. (quote)
  16. (quote-journal)

  17. A particular quality created by or surrounding an object, person, or place; an atmosphere, an aura.

  18. (quote-journal), for W. Otridge and Son; ''et al.''|year=1793|volume=XXXV|page=274|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=1779623|passage=The luminous æther of his life was not obſcured by any ſhade dark enough to be denominated a defect.

  19. ether|Diethyl ether (C(sub)H(sub)O), an compound with a sweet odour used in the past as an anaesthetic.

  20. (quote-book) of all ſorts, whether ''Epileptic'', ''Convulſive'', ''Hyſteric'', ''Hypochondriac'', or ''Paralytic'': (..)

  21. Any of a class of compounds containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups.

  22. (quote-journal)|month=March|year=1838|volume=XII (3rd Series)|issue=74|page=297|pageurl=|oclc=863240942|passage=M. Malaguti finds that dry chlorine, while acting in the dark upon oxacid æthers, always attacks, and in a uniform manner, the sulphuric æther which is the base of them. (..) The action of potash on the compound chloridized æthers is also constant and uniform: the results are always chloride of potassium, acetate of potash, and an organic salt with a base of potash, the acid of which is that which existed in the compound chloridized æther.

  23. (quote-journal); Paris: J. B. Baillière,(nb...); Madrid: Bailly Baillière,(nb...)|year=1851|volume=III|page=78|pageurl=|oclc=956089827|passage=When chlorine gas is passed in excess through salicylic ether (salicylae of ethyl) heated over a water-bath, a solid substance is formed which is soluble in hot alcohol, and crystallizes, on cooling, in beautiful colourless tables. This compound is ''bichloruretted salicylic ether'', formed from salicylic ether (C(sub)H(sub)O(sub)) by the substitution of 2 eq. chlorine for 2 eq. hydrogen: its composition is therefore C(sub)H(sub)Cl(sub)O(sub).

  24. (quote-journal)|date=15 October 1858|volume=XVI|issue=CCCLXXXIV|page=384|pageurl=|oclc=|passage=(..) I allude to the æthers formed by the union of fatty acids with different alcohols. (..) With regard to the fatty æthers themselves, I prepared them generally by M. Berthelot's method, by heating the alcohol and the acid for a day at 392°F. in a tube hermetically sealed; the product was mixed with a little æther, and it was digested some time with slaked lime in the water-bath, to separate the free acid from the neutral compound.

  25. fluid|Starting fluid.

  26. To viciously humiliate or insult.

  27. (synonyms)


  28. (quote-web) On Monday, a woman living in Bowling Green, Ky., used her Facebook page to unleash one of the coldest, boyfriend-crushingest Dear John letters you'll ever read.

  29. (quote-web)'' is the easiest answer for me, but MaryAnn Sleasman did a fine job of ethering that overrated hunk of junk, so I'm free to take a few shots at ''(TV series)|Sherlock''.|accessdate=20 December 2018

  30. (quote-journal): (..)

  31. (quote-journal) Twitter screed, as this particular iteration included a call for more inclusion at the Grammys and one extremely polite ethering of (w).

  32. (altform)

  33. {{quote-book|en|year=1849|author=William Raynbird|author2=Hugh Raynbird|title=On the Agriculture of Suffolk|page=291

  34. 1886, Gertrude Elizabeth Blood Campbell, ''A Book of the Running Brook, and of Still Waters'', page 122:

  35. In the edition of 1760 of "The Complete Angler" there is a curious quotation from Bowlker, who was a great authority on fish-ponds, in which he recommends:— "When you intend to stick a pool with carp or tench, make a close ethering hedge across the head of the pool about a yard distance of the dam, and about three foot above the water, which is the best refuge for them I know of, and the only method to preserve pool-fish; (..) "
  36. {{quote-book|en|year=1895|author=John Richard de Capel Wise|title=The New Forest: Its History and Its Scenery|page=193

  37. {{quote-book|en|year=1924|author=Alexander Christison Drummie|title=Practical Forestry from a Workman's Point of View|page=103

  38. (alternative case form of)

  39. air, broadcasting

  40. (l) (gloss)

  41. ether (gloss)

  42. (syn)

  43. (pt-pre-reform)

  44. (l), (l) (C(sub)H(sub)O)

  45. an (l) (gloss)