
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bubo englannista suomeksi

  1. imusolmukepaise, bubo

  1. Substantiivi

  2. imusolmukeajos, paise

bubo englanniksi

  1. Bubo

  1. An inflamed swelling of a node, especially in the armpit or groin, due to an infection such as plague, gonorrhea, tuberculosis{{, or syphilis.

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1661

  3. to pour

  4. to douse; to out; to extinguish

  5. a trap made of woven bamboo

  6. urchin, waif, kid (living on street), gamin

  7. (hypernyms)


  8. jack

  9. owl, especially the eagle owl, (taxfmt)

  10. (l)

  11. to cry like a bittern

  12. (inflection of)

  13. (alt sp)

  14. round bamboo basket used as a trap

  15. act of frightening and away|driving away a flock of birds

  16. (syn)

  17. sudden flight of birds (gl)

  18. casting; pouring into a mold

  19. something formed in a mold

  20. overflowing; out|pouring out

  21. spilled; poured out accidentally

  22. act of out|pouring out

  23. spillage; act of spilling

  24. spilled material