
suomi-englanti sanakirja

broken englannista suomeksi

  1. murtunut

  2. puutteellinen

  3. kariutunut

  4. epäkunnossa, rikkinäinen, hajalla

  5. murrettu

  6. särkynyt, katkennut

  7. huono, vierasvoittoinen

  8. rosoinen

  9. totutettu

  10. hajallaan oleva

  11. katkonainen

  1. Verbi

  2. särkynyt, rikkinäinen

  3. murtunut

  4. katkoviivainen

  5. rikki

  6. rikkinäinen, rikki, epäkunnossa, sökö colloquial, risa colloquial, särki, prakannut slang, mäsä slang, paskana colloquial, tuusan nuuskana

  7. murrettu, murteellinen

  8. puhki, rahaton

  9. katkennut

  10. surkea

  11. pilvisyys / melko pilvinen

  12. ratkaiseva

broken englanniksi

  1. (inflection of)

  2. (cap); in separate pieces.

  3. {{quote-av

  4. (cap); having the bone in pieces.

  5. (ux)

    (ux) recent morning the team had to replace a broken weather research station.ogg

  6. (cap) or ruptured.

  7. (cap); made up of short lines with small gaps between each one and the next.

  8. (cap); not continuous.

  9. (RQ:London White Fang)

  10. Five-eighths to seven-eighths obscured by clouds; incompletely covered by clouds.

  11. Having periods of silence scattered throughout; not regularly continuous.

  12. (quote-book)

  13. Breached; violated; not kept.

  14. (cap); not functioning properly.

  15. Disconnected, no longer open or carrying traffic.

  16. Badly designed or implemented.

  17. (senseid) Grammatically non-standard, especially as a result of being produced by a speaker.

  18. (RQ:Doyle Land of Mist)

  19. (quote-song)

  20. Not having gone in the way intended; saddening.

  21. Completely defeated and dispirited; shattered; destroyed.

  22. {{quote-song|en|year=2006|lyricist=|composer=|title=Welcome to the Black Parade|album=The Black Parade|url=|artist=My Chemical Romance

  23. (quote-song)|year=2011|artist=Dia Frampton|url=|text=And oh, maybe I see a part of me in them / The missing piece, always trying to fit in / The shattered heart, hungry for a home / No, you're not alone / I love the broken ones / I love the broken ones

  24. Having no money; bankrupt, broke.

  25. (rfquote-sense)

  26. Uneven.

  27. (quote-text)

  28. Overpowered; overly powerful; giving a player too much power.