
suomi-englanti sanakirja

big englannista suomeksi

  1. jalomielinen, reilu, jalo

  2. innokas, innostunut jstak, varsinainen, oikea, kova

  3. paha, vakava, raju

  4. suuri

  5. tärkeä, merkittävä

  6. isosti, suuresti, laajasti

  7. nimekäs

  8. menestyksekkäästi, hienosti

  9. voimakas

  10. raskaana oleva, raskaana

  11. pahasti

  12. iso

  13. mahtaileva

  14. ylimielisesti

  1. iso, suuri

  2. aikuinen, iso

  3. Substantiivi

  4. Verbi

big englanniksi

  1. Of great size, large.

  2. (syn)



  3. {{RQ:Marshall Squire's Daughter|III

  4. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-07-06|volume=408|issue=8843|page=68|magazine=The Economist

  5. Fat.

  6. Large with young; pregnant; swelling; ready to give birth or produce.

  7. (RQ:Addison Cato)

  8. Well-endowed; with a desired body part notably large.

  9. Specifically, big-breasted.

  10. Having a large penis.

  11. Having large muscles, especially visible ones such as the chest and arm muscles.

  12. (usex)

  13. Adult; (of a child) older.

  14. 1931, (w), ''Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer'', Montgomery Ward (publisher), draft:

  15. By midnight, however, the last light had fled / For even big people have then gone to bed.
  16. (quote-book)

  17. Old, mature. ''Used to imply that someone is too old for something, or acting immaturely.''

  18. {{quote-text|en|year=2020|author=Candice Carty-Williams|title=Notting Hill Carnival

  19. (senseid) Mature, conscientious, principled; generous. (+obj)

  20. Important or significant.

  21. {{RQ:Marshall Squire's Daughter|II

  22. {{quote-journal|en|date=October 29, 2011|author=Neil Johnston|work=BBC Sport

  23. Popular.

  24. (quote-song)

  25. Populous.

  26. (n-g)

  27. Operating on a large scale, especially if therefore having undue or sinister influence.

  28. (quote-journal)

  29. (quote-web)

  30. Enthusiastic (about). (+obj)

  31. {{quote-journal|en|date=2 July 2019|author=Louise Taylor|title=Alex Morgan heads USA past England into Women’s World Cup final|journal=The Guardian|url=

  32. In a loud manner.

  33. In a boasting manner.

  34. In a large amount or to a large extent.

  35. (q)

  36. On a large scale, expansively.

  37. Hard; with great force.

  38. An important or powerful person; a celebrity; a name.

  39. The leagues, time.

  40. An initiated member of a sorority or fraternity who acts as a mentor to a new member (the little).

  41. The participant in ageplay who acts out the older role.

  42. To inhabit; occupy.

  43. To locate oneself.

  44. To build; erect; fashion.

  45. To dwell; have a dwelling.

  46. One or more kinds of barley, especially (vern).

  47. piglet, little pig

  48. (inflection of)|dat|f|s

  49. star (entertainment)

  50. shot, noise

  51. (l)

  52. (RQ:jam:DJNT)weda unu likl ar big, priez im!|(..)whether you're small or big, praise him!

  53. great; to a great extent

  54. (RQ:jam:DJNT)

  55. important person

  56. (quote)

  57. to build

  58. big

  59. (soft mutation of)

  60. belly, stomach, abdomen

  61. (uxi)

  62. great, big