


  1. suuri, iso

  2. korostussana

Esimerkkejä big sanan käytöstä:

My father has a big house. Isälläni on iso talo.

big hurry

big gay

Liittyvät sanat: small , little



  1. jalomielinen, reilu, jalo, suuri, ylevämielinen, harkitsematon, innokas, innostunut jstak, kova, oikea, varsinainen, kovan luokan, voimakas.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: big band, bigaaminen, bigamia.




innokas, innostunut jstak, varsinainen, oikea Of great size, large.


(RQ:Mrxl SqrsDghtr)
The big houses, and there are a good many of them, lie for the most part in what may be called by courtesy the valleys. You catch a glimpse of them sometimes at a little distance from the railway line,(nb..), with their court of farm and church and clustered village, in dignified seclusion.
puhekieltä Thought to have undue influence.
popular Popular.
puhekieltä adult Adult.
1931, (w), Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer, Montgomery Ward (publisher), draft:
By midnight, however, the last light had fled / For even big people have then gone to bed.
puhekieltä fat Fat.
puhekieltä important Important or significant.
"I was dragged up at the workhouse school till I was twelve. Then I ran away and sold papers in the streets, and anything else that I could pick up a few coppers by—except steal. I never did that. I always made up my mind I'd be a big man some day, and—I'm glad I didn't steal."
{{quote-journal|date=October 29, 2011|author=Neil Johnston|work=BBC Sport
puhekieltä enthusiastic Enthusiastic (about).
puhekieltä mature Mature, conscientious, principled.
puhekieltä well-endowed Well-endowed, possessing large breasts in the case of a woman or a large penis in the case of a man.
puhekieltä Large with young; pregnant; swelling; ready to give birth or produce.
(rfdate) (w) (1672–1719)
Day big with the fate of Cato and of Rome.
puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)
puhekieltä (l)