
suomi-englanti sanakirja

was englanniksi

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. (inflection of).

  3. (ux)

  4. {{quote-text|en|year=1915|author=John Millington Synge|title=The Playboy of the Western World|section=I

  5. (quote-book)

  6. (n-g) when the semantic subject is (usually third-person) plural.

  7. (RQ:King James Version)

  8. (inflection of); were.

  9. (RQ:Richardson Clarissa)

  10. (RQ:Doyle Poison Belt)

  11. (quote-song)

  12. (RQ:Noire Thug-A-Licious)

  13. wax

  14. (inflection of)

  15. to wash

  16. water

  17. nothing; none

  18. absent

  19. laundry, clothes that need to be washed, or just have been washed.

  20. growth

  21. (infl of)

  22. what

  23. which (n-g)

  24. that, which (n-g), (m), (m), (m), and neuter substantival adjectives)

  25. that, which (n-g))

  26. something, anything (n-g))

  27. {{quote-book|de|year=2017|author=Simone Meier|title=Fleisch|publisher=Kein & Aber|year_published=2018|page=39

  28. why (with emphasis, astonishment or disapproval)

  29. what; what kind of

  30. (syn)

  31. {{quote-book|de|year=1718|author=Johann Caspar Schwartz|title=Johann Caspar Schwartzens Fünfftes Dutzend Wund-artzneyischer Anmerckungen von vielerley Arten der Geschwülste und Geschwüre|location=Hamburg|page=97

  32. {{quote-text|de|year=1742|author=Johann Christoph Gottsched|title=Versuch einer Critischen Dichtkunst|page=442|location=Leipzig

  33. {{quote-text|de|year=1786|author=Johann Michael Schosulan|title=Gründlicher Unterricht für das Landvolk: Wie und auf was Weise jedermann seinen etrunkenen, erhängten, erstickten, erfrornen, von Hitze verschmachteten und von Blitz berührten unglücklichen Nebenmenschen Hülfe leisten, der Retter aber für sein eigenes Leben sich selbst sicher stellen solle.|location=Wien|section=title

  34. little, somewhat

  35. why, for

  36. (romanization of)

  37. bear

  38. something, anything

  39. apocopated form of (m), (inflection of) (qualifier)

  40. apocopated form of (m), (inflection of)

  41. (ng); your

  42. (RQ:zlw-mas:Mazurski Fébel)

  43. stream, river

  44. (RQ:Barbour Brus)

  45. (inflection of)

  46. (alt form)

  47. (alt sp)

  48. (n-g)

  49. (monikko) sco|wa

  50. west

  51. fuck

  52. a message sent or received over (w)

  53. angel; any supernatural creature in heaven according to Christian theology

  54. (RQ:Buk Baibel)

  55. (soft mutation of)