
suomi-englanti sanakirja

trend englannista suomeksi

  1. suuntaus

  2. trendi

  3. kehityssuunta, suunta

  4. muuttaa suuntaa

  5. muotisuuntaus, villitys

  1. suuntaus, kehityssuunta, trendi

  2. trendi, muoti, villitys, tyyli, muotivirtaus

  3. kulkea, suuntautua

  4. kääntää

  5. Substantiivi

trend englanniksi

  1. An inclination in a particular direction.

  2. (ux)

  3. {{quote-journal|en|year=2013|month=September-October|author=Michael Sivak

  4. A tendency.

  5. A fad or fashion style.

  6. {{quote-book|en|title=Lighting and the Dramatic Portrait|publisher=Amphoto Books|author=Michael Grecco|year=2006|ISBN=9780817442279|page=114

  7. {{quote-journal|en|date=June 26, 2012|author=Genevieve Koski|work=The Onion AV Club

  8. A line drawn on a graph that approximates the trend of a number of disparate points.

  9. The lower end of the shank of an anchor, being the same distance on the shank from the throat that the arm measures from the throat to the bill.1841, (w), ''The Seaman's Friend''

  10. The angle made by the line of a vessel's keel and the direction of the anchor cable, when she is swinging at anchor.

  11. To have a particular direction; to run; to stretch; to tend.

  12. {{quote-journal|en|date=May 31, 2012|author=Tasha Robinson|work=AV Club|title=Film: Revie Snow White And The Huntsman

  13. To cause to turn; to bend.

  14. (RQ:William Browne Britannia's Pastorals)

  15. To be the subject of a trend; to be currently popular, relevant or interesting.

  16. (quote-web)

  17. (quote-journal)

  18. Clean wool.

  19. To cleanse or clean (something, usually wool).

  20. (l), (l)

  21. (l), tendency (gl)

  22. (l)

  23. (syn)

  24. a (l)

  25. (l) (gl)

  26. trend