
suomi-englanti sanakirja

stretch englannista suomeksi

  1. jatkaa

  2. pidennetty

  3. venyttäminen

  4. venytellä

  5. venyttää, pingottaa

  6. pätkä, matka

  7. jatkua, levittäytyä

  8. ajanjakso, vankeusrangaistus

  9. venyttely, venytys

  10. joustavuus, venyvyys, kimmoisuus

  11. venyä

  12. levittää

  13. ojentautua

  14. suora

  15. joustava

  1. Verbi

  2. venyttää

  3. venyä

  4. pingottaa, venyttää

  5. levittäytyä without specific limit; ulottua from limit to limit

  6. venytellä

  7. ulottua, ylettyä

  8. lisätä, kasvattaa

  9. Substantiivi

  10. venyttely stretching body, liioittelu stretching e.g. truth

  11. kimmoisuus, venyvyys

  12. kaukaa haettu adjective

  13. osuus

stretch englanniksi

  1. To lengthen by pulling.

  2. (ux)

  3. To lengthen when pulled.

  4. (RQ:Boyle New Experiments) because it would stretch and yield, remained unbroken.

  5. To pull tight.

  6. To get more use than expected from a limited resource.

  7. To make inaccurate by exaggeration.

  8. To extend physically, especially from limit point to limit point.

  9. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients). It twisted and turned,(..)and opened out into a big clear space like a lawn. And, back of the lawn, was a big, old-fashioned house, with piazzas stretching in front of it, and all blazing with lights.

  10. (quote-book) and the Second Opening of the West|publisher=(w)|year=1954|lccn=53009245|oclc=1109805|page=75|pageurl=|text=Behind them, stretching in a long line east and west, were the Roan and Book Cliffs, cut to their base by the river's gorge, and meandering away in long wavy lines distorted by heat haze and the smoke of forest fires.

  11. {{quote-book

  12. To extend one’s limbs or another part of the body in order to improve the elasticity of one's muscles

  13. When the cat woke up, it yawned and stretched.

  14. To extend to a limit point

  15. To increase.

  16. (quote-journal)

  17. To the truth; to exaggerate.

  18. To sail by the wind under press of canvas.

  19. To execute by hanging.

  20. To make great demands on the capacity or resources of something.

  21. An act of stretching.

  22. The ability to lengthen when pulled.

  23. A course of thought which diverts from straightforward logic, or requires extraordinary belief or exaggeration.

  24. (ux) a comedian.

  25. A segment of a journey or route.

  26. A segment or length of material.

  27. A walk.

  28. a. 1941, (w), quoted in 2010, Evelyn Underhill, Carol Poston, ''The Making of a Mystic: New and Selected Letters of Evelyn Underhill'' (page 81)

  29. In the afternoon I went for a stretch into the country, & about 4 it cleared up pretty well, so I hurried back & we got a cart & drove to Bassano, a little town about 8 miles off, that we wanted to see.
  30. A quick pitching delivery used when runners are on base where the pitcher slides his leg instead of lifting it.

  31. A long reach in the direction of the ball with a foot remaining on the base by a first baseman in order to catch the ball sooner.

  32. (n-g)

  33. (quote-book)

  34. (quote-av)

  35. The homestretch, the final straight section of the track leading to the finish.

  36. A length of time.

  37. {{RQ:Orwell Animal Farm|6

  38. Extended daylight hours, especially said of the evening in springtime when compared to the shorter winter days.

  39. The period of the season between the trade deadline and the beginning of the playoffs.

  40. {{quote-book|en|title=GBaseball Dynasties: The Greatet Teams of All Time|page=179

  41. A jail or prison term.

  42. (syn)

  43. A jail or prison term of one year's duration.

  44. A single uninterrupted sitting; a turn.

  45. A limousine.

  46. stretchy material