
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bill englannista suomeksi

  1. ohjelma, mainosjuliste, konserttiohjelma, teatteriohjelma, elokuvaohjelma, käsiohjelma

  2. laskuttaa

  3. ravintolalasku, lasku

  4. mainostaa julisteilla

  5. nokka

  6. juliste

  7. mainostaa, ilmoittaa

  8. seteli

  9. mainoslehtinen

  10. lakialoite, lakiesitys, lakiehdotus

  11. sirppi

  12. lippa

  1. luettelo

  2. julistus

  3. lakiehdotus, lakiesitys

  4. kanne

  5. lasku

  6. juliste

  7. vekseli

  8. laskuttaa

  9. nokka

  10. kuhertaa

  11. hilpari

  12. vesuri

  13. hilparimies

  14. kynsi

  15. hakata

  16. Substantiivi

bill englanniksi

  1. A written list or inventory. (n-g)

  2. A document, originally sealed; a formal statement or official memorandum. (n-g)

  3. (senseid) A draft of a law, presented to a legislature for enactment; a proposed or projected law.

  4. (syn)


  5. (RQ:Shakespeare Merry Wives)

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. A declaration made in writing, stating some wrong the complainant has suffered from the defendant, or a fault committed by some person against a law.

  8. (RQ:Dickens Bleak House)

  9. (senseid) A piece of paper money; a banknote.

  10. (quote-book)

  11. (quote-book)So I wropped 'em up in a five dollar bill and tied 'em up and sent 'em, and they ain't back yet.”

  12. (quote-song)

  13. One hundred dollars.

  14. (quote-book)|passage=All we got from her was Stranahan's location, and barely that. A house in the bay, she said. A house with a windmill. Easiest five bills that woman ever made.|year=1989|author=Carl Hiaasen|page=113|isbn=9781101436639|publisher=Penguin Group

  15. One hundred sterling|pounds sterling.

  16. 2023, BBC News: "Newport: Drugs gang jailed for exploiting vulnerable child"

  17. In the conversation Henshall says he (si) "struggling to find people to go up the roads" explaining how it would be "no good for black people" and how they need a "young white boy to go up there".Stock agrees, saying how he knows "this kid" who "owes me 12 bills".
  18. A written note of goods sold, services rendered, or work done, with the price or charge; an invoice.

  19. (RQ:Shakespeare Timon of Athens)

  20. (senseid) A paper, written or printed, and posted up or given away, to advertise something, as a lecture, a play, or the sale of goods

  21. (RQ:Shakespeare Midsummer)

  22. A writing binding the signer or signers to pay a certain sum at a future day or on demand, with or without interest, as may be stated in the document; a of exchange. In the United States, it is usually called a note, a note of hand, or a note.

  23. A set of items presented together.

  24. To advertise by a bill or public notice.

  25. To charge; to send a bill to.

  26. {{quote-text|en|year=1989|author=Michelle Green|title=Understanding Health Insurance: A Guide to Billing and Reimbursement

  27. (senseid) The beak of a bird, especially when small or flattish; sometimes also used with reference to a platypus, turtle, or other animal.

  28. (quote-journal) The flesh the mistletoe berry is sticky, and forms strings and ribbons between my thumb and forefinger. For the mistletoe, this viscous goop – and by the way, viscous comes to English from viscum – is crucial. The stickiness means that, after eating the berries, birds often regurgitate the seeds and then wipe their bills on twigs – leading to the seeds' getting glued to the tree, where they can germinate and begin the cycle anew.

  29. A beak-like projection, especially a promontory.

  30. Of a cap or hat: the brim or peak, serving as a shade to keep sun off the face and out of the eyes.

  31. to peck

  32. to stroke bill against bill, with reference to doves; to caress in fondness

  33. (RQ:Shakespeare As You Like It)

  34. (senseid) Any of various bladed or pointed hand weapons, originally designating an Anglo-Saxon sword, and later a weapon of infantry, especially in the 14th and 15th centuries, commonly consisting of a broad, heavy, double-edged, hook-shaped blade, with a short pike at the back and another at the top, attached to the end of a long staff.

  35. (RQ:Grose Ancient Armour)

  36. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  37. (senseid) A cutting instrument, with hook-shaped point, and fitted with a handle, used in pruning, etc.; a billhook.

  38. (senseid) Somebody armed with a bill; a billman.

  39. (senseid) A pickaxe or mattock.

  40. (senseid) The extremity of the arm of an anchor; the point of or beyond the fluke (also called the peak).

  41. To dig, chop, etc., with a bill.

  42. The bell, or boom, of the bittern.

  43. {{quote-text|en|year=1793|author=William Wordsworth|title=An Evening Walk

  44. To up a marijuana cigarette.

  45. will (gl)

  46. wild, crazy, mad

  47. wild (gl)

  48. stupid

  49. (often with e or a) (a) little

  50. (l) (draft UK law)

  51. (l) (invoice in a restaurant etc)

  52. (alternative form of)

  53. a share; the cutting blade of a plough

  54. a draft of a law in English-speaking countries