
suomi-englanti sanakirja

toka englanniksi

  1. mist, fog

  2. (quote-song)|title=Í Tokuni|trans-title=In the mist|text=Vinur, vinur sært tú meg gangi her í tokuni?|t=Friend, friend, do you see me walking here in the mist?

  3. (cln) second

  4. (syn)



  5. runner-up

  6. ashes

  7. chin

  8. jowl, dewlap

  9. (ja-romanization of)

  10. (inflection of)

  11. from

  12. to come from

  13. to out, to exit

  14. to leave (gl)

  15. (female equivalent of)

  16. turn; shift (gl)

  17. act of assigning a kind of work or duty to someone

  18. assigned work or duty

  19. buckle

  20. clip, hairgrip

  21. (monikko) wym|tok

  22. paint

  23. trouser