
suomi-englanti sanakirja

stark englannista suomeksi

  1. huonokasvuinen

  2. karu, alaston

  3. kolkko, koruton

  4. jyrkkä

  5. täysin, aivan

  6. silkka

  1. kova

  2. ankara, karu

  3. vahva, väkevä

  4. karu

  5. jäykkä, kankea

  6. täysi, tosi

  7. täysin

  8. Substantiivi

stark englanniksi

  1. Hard, firm; obdurate.

  2. Severe; violent; fierce (now usually in describing the weather).

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. Strong; vigorous; powerful.

  5. (RQ:Beaumont Fletcher Comedies and Tragedies)

  6. (RQ:Scott Lay of the Last Minstrel)

  7. Stiff, rigid.

  8. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  9. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1)

  10. (RQ:Jonson Catiline)

  11. Plain in appearance; barren, desolate.

  12. (ux)

  13. Naked.

  14. (RQ:Shelley Poetical Works)

  15. Complete, absolute, full.

  16. 1689 (first published posthumously), (w), ''Table-Talk''

  17. Rhetoric is very good or stark naught; there's no medium in rhetoric.
  18. {{RQ:Melville Moby-Dick|17

  19. starkly; entirely, absolutely

  20. {{RQ:Fuller Church History

  21. (quote-book)

  22. To stiffen.

  23. strong (gloss)

  24. (cot)

  25. good, great, skilled

  26. brilliant, awesome

  27. incredible, unbelievable

  28. (uxi)

  29. (RQ:Mann Zauberberg)

  30. overweight, fat

  31. strong (gloss)

  32. grandfather

  33. (syn)

  34. strong, powerful

  35. strong

  36. (inflection of)

  37. strong; able to use great force

  38. strong; capable of withstanding great (physical) force

  39. strong; highly stimulating to the senses

  40. spicy, hot

  41. strong; having a high concentration of an essential; possibly alcohol

  42. strong

  43. strong; not easily subdued or taken