
suomi-englanti sanakirja

maina englanniksi

  1. grackle

  1. (monikko) ny|dzina

  2. (infl of)

  3. (topics) A myna (bird)

  4. (noun form of)

  5. myna (gloss), (taxfmt), (taxfmt) and (taxfmt) in the starling family (taxfmt)

  6. why

  7. because, for

  8. prince

  9. hole for seining

  10. conuco, garden, plot or field of cultivated land

  11. (qualifier) (infl of)

  12. dry (gl)

  13. desiccated

  14. mine (explosive device)

  15. to lay mines

  16. myna (gloss)

  17. to lower the sail using a rope