
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lave englannista suomeksi

  1. pestä

  2. virrata

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

lave englanniksi

  1. To pour or throw out, as water; lade out; bail; out.

  2. (RQ:Homer Dryden Iliad)

  3. To draw, as water; drink in.

  4. (RQ:McCarthy Road)

  5. To give bountifully; lavish.

  6. To run down or gutter, as a candle.

  7. To hang or flap down.

  8. To wash.

  9. (RQ:Pope Windsor Forest)

  10. (quote-text)

  11. (RQ:Thomson Summer)

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1865|author=Walt Whitman|title=Sequel to Drum-Taps: When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d and other poems|chapter=When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd|When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d

  13. To lick.

  14. {{quote-book|en|date=2011-07-15|author=Miranda Lee|title=The Boss's Baby|publisher=Harlequin|isbn=9781459252165

  15. {{quote-book|en|date=2011-08-01|author=Eliza Knight|title=A Lady's Charade|publisher=Eliza Knight|isbn=9781463574123|page=122

  16. (quote-book)

  17. (quote-book) but it took only a few moments of his tongue laving at her core before she was exploding in a mind-drugging climax that made her throat sore from her cries.

  18. (qualifier) The remainder, rest; that which is left, remnant; others.

  19. 1896 (posthumously), Robert Louis Stevenson, ''Songs of Travel and other verses''.

  20. Give to me the life I love, / Let the lave go by me...
  21. A crowd

  22. 1807, Ancient historic ballads - Page 72:

  23. Of prelates proud, a populous lave, And abbots boldly there were known.
  24. to make, create, construct, produce

  25. Denne fabrik laver madrasser.

    This factory makes mattresses.

  26. to cook, prepare

  27. at lave mad

    to cook (lit. "to make food")

    Jeg laver kødboller til aftensmad.

    I'm making meatballs for dinner.

  28. to do

  29. Hvad skal vi lave i dag?

    What shall we do today?

  30. to repair, mend, fix

  31. Skal jeg lave din jakke?

    Shall I fix your jacket?

  32. (inflection of)

  33. (monikko) da|lav

  34. (inflection of)

  35. lava

  36. (gl-verb form of)

  37. to wash

  38. (monikko) it|lava

  39. (tlb) (alt form)

  40. (alt form)

  41. (monikko) nb|lav

  42. (pt-verb form of)

  43. (noun form of)

  44. rest, remainder.

  45. ''Ye are bit a wumman lik the lave, an ye maun thole the brunt o whit life mey bring.'' — Janet's Love and Service

  46. (es-verb form of)

  47. a towerlike building atop a mine shaft, common in Scandinavia during 19th century

  48. (syn)

  49. a wooden bench in a sauna