
suomi-englanti sanakirja

iri englanniksi

  1. large

  2. (syn)

  3. coarse (gloss)

  4. to go

  5. (ux)

  6. fan (qualifier)

  7. to fan

  8. name

  9. (uxi)

  10. ten

  11. envy

  12. eye

  13. (ja-rom of)

  14. water

  15. (inflection of)

  16. (nn-fcon) (infl of)

  17. pig

  18. (ryu-romanization of)

  19. (topics) (l)

  20. (romanization of)

  21. push (gl)

  22. one; this

  23. act of irritating the children

  24. inciting foolish things

  25. delay; postponement; prolongation

  26. neck

  27. coarse

  28. dew

  29. the act of seeing, sighting, or discovering

  30. experience; sight