
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gu englanniksi

  1. GU

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. (alternative spelling of)

  3. (altform)

  4. water

  5. knee

  6. (non-gloss definition); we

  7. (ng)

  8. here

  9. this

  10. any liquid

  11. potato

  12. (ja-romanization of)

  13. water or any other liquid (beer, wine, petrol)

  14. (nonstandard spelling of)

  15. (alt form)

  16. (alt form)

  17. {{quote-book|nn|year=1800|author=H.Barlien|title=Trondhiems Budstik|passage=De føst Bue: Du ska int ha naakaan framund gu istan for mæg

  18. (n-g)

  19. (ux)

  20. till, until

  21. to

  22. that; used with the dependent form of a verb to introduce a subordinate clause.

  23. (romanization of)

  24. taste (gl), especially esthetic taste

  25. (soft mutation of)

  26. that

  27. (syn)



  28. (n-g); he, him, she, her, it

  29. bone