
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ease englannista suomeksi

  1. kevennys

  2. rentoutuminen

  3. luontevuus

  4. keventää

  5. tehdä helpoksi

  6. asettua varovasti

  7. helppous

  8. lievittää

  1. Substantiivi

  2. taito, kyky

  3. mukavuus

  4. rauhallisuus, mukavuus, helppous

  5. helppous, mukavuus

  6. lepo

  7. Verbi

  8. lievittää

  9. lievittää, höllätä

  10. keventää, helpottaa

  11. löysätä, löysentää, höllätä

  12. helpottaa

  13. hivuttaa

  14. lieventyä, helpottaa

  15. kulkea, sujahtaa

ease englanniksi

  1. Ability, the means to do something, particularly:

  2. Skill, dexterity, facility.

  3. (ux)

  4. Comfort, a state or quality lacking unpleasantness, particularly:

  5. Freedom from pain, hardship, and annoyance, sometimes idleness, sloth.

  6. Freedom from worry and concern; peace; sometimes indifference.

  7. (RQ:Dunsany Pegana)

  8. Freedom from difficulty.

  9. Freedom from effort, leisure, rest.

  10. Freedom from financial effort or worry; affluence.

  11. Freedom from embarrassment or awkwardness; grace.

  12. Relief, an end to discomfort, particularly:

  13. ''Followed by'' (l) ''or'' (l): release from or reduction of pain, hardship, or annoyance.

  14. Release from intestinal discomfort: defecation.

  15. Release from constraint, obligation, or a constrained position.

  16. Additional space provided to allow greater movement.

  17. A convenience; a luxury.

  18. A relief; an easement.

  19. To free (something) from pain, worry, agitation, etc.

  20. (RQ:Whetstone Rocke of Regard)

  21. {{quote-journal|en|year=2012|author=John Branch|title=Snow Fall : The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek|newspaper=New York Time|url=http://www.nytimes.com/projects/2012/snow-fall/?smid=fb-nytimes&WT.z_sma=SP_SNT_20130415/?part=tunnel-creek

  22. To alleviate, assuage or lessen (pain).

  23. To give respite to (someone).

  24. (quote-journal)

  25. To loosen or slacken the tension on a line.

  26. To reduce the difficulty of (something).

  27. To move (something) slowly and carefully.

  28. (quote-book)

  29. To lessen in intensity.

  30. To proceed with little effort.

  31. To take something from (a person), especially by robbery.

  32. {{quote-journal|en|year=1865|journal=The Dublin University Magazine|volume=66|page=158

  33. {{quote-journal|en|year=1876|journal=The Shamrock|volume=14

  34. (alternative spelling of)

  35. (RQ:Chaucer Canterbury Tales)