
suomi-englanti sanakirja

crown englannista suomeksi

  1. voitonseppele

  2. hampaanterä

  3. 5 šillinkiä

  4. muodostaa huippukohta

  5. palkinto

  6. kruunata

  7. laki, huippu

  8. varustaa kruunuproteesilla

  9. korkein kohta

  10. kupu

  11. kruunu

  12. päälaki

  13. latva

  1. kruunu

  2. arvokruunu, kruunu

  3. seppele

  4. palkinto, kunnianosoitus, kruunu

  5. päälaki

  6. laki

  7. kupu

  8. keskitie

  9. huippu, kruunu

  10. tyvi

  11. latvus

  12. pujos, pleissi

  13. perä

  14. rengas

  15. pyhähattu

  16. kruunu / kruunun-

  17. latva / latva-

  18. kruunata

  19. seppelöidä

  20. kruunata, seppelöidä

  21. pullistaa

  22. lyödä päähän">lyödä päähän

  23. ampua päähän">ampua päähän

  24. merkata

  25. avartaa

  26. päätellä

  27. Substantiivi

crown englanniksi

  1. Crown

  1. (senseid) A royal, imperial or princely headdress; a diadem.

  2. (syn)

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. (senseid) A wreath or band for the head, especially one given as reward of victory or a mark of honor.

  5. (senseid) Any reward of victory or mark of honor.

  6. (ux)

  7. (senseid) Imperial or regal power, or those who wield it.

  8. (senseid) The sovereign (in a monarchy), as head of state.

  9. (RQ:Blackstone Commentaries)

  10. (senseid) The state, the government (headed by a monarch).

  11. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  12. The police (referring to Crown Victoria police cars).

  13. (senseid) The top part of something:

  14. (senseid) The topmost part of the head.

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)

  16. (RQ:Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress)

  17. (senseid) The highest part of a hill.

  18. (ant)

  19. (RQ:Dryden Aeneis)

  20. (quote-book)|title=Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems|passage=We walk’d together on the crown/Of a high mountain which look’d down/Afar from its proud natural towers/Of rock and forest, on the hills—/The dwindled hills! begirt with bowers/And shouting with a thousand rills.

  21. (senseid) The top section of a hat, above the brim.

  22. (senseid) The raised centre of a road.

  23. (RQ:Beckett Watt)

  24. The highest part of an arch.

  25. The upper range of facets in a diamond.

  26. The dome of a furnace.

  27. The upper part of certain fruits, as the pineapple or strawberry, that is removed before eating.

  28. (senseid) A kind of spire or lantern formed by converging buttresses.

  29. (senseid) Splendor; culmination; acme.

  30. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  31. (senseid) Any currency (originally) issued by the crown (regal power) and often bearing a crown (headdress); various currencies known by similar names in their native languages, such as the koruna, kruna, krone, korona.

  32. (senseid) A former predecimalization British coin worth five shillings.

  33. {{quote-text|en|year=1859|author=J.C. Hotten|title=A Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Words

  34. (senseid) A coin or note worth five shillings in various countries that are or were in the British Commonwealth, such as Ireland or Jamaica.

  35. (quote-book)

  36. (quote-song)

  37. (senseid) The part of a plant where the root and stem meet.

  38. (senseid) The top of a tree.

  39. (hol)

  40. (senseid) The part of a tooth above the gums.

  41. (senseid) A prosthetic covering for a tooth.

  42. (synonyms)

  43. A knot formed in the end of a rope by tucking in the strands to prevent them from unravelling.

  44. (senseid) The part of an anchor where the arms and the shank meet.

  45. (RQ:Conrad Mirror of the Sea)

  46. The rounding, or rounded part, of the deck from a level line.

  47. (senseid) In England, a standard size of paper measuring 20 × 15 inches.

  48. In American, a standard size of paper measuring 19 × 15 inches.

  49. A monocyclic ligand having three or more binding sites, capable of holding a guest in a central location.

  50. During childbirth, the appearance of the baby's head from the mother's vagina.

  51. A rounding or smoothing of the barrel opening.

  52. The area enclosed between two concentric perimeters.

  53. A round spot shaved clean on the top of the head, as a mark of the clerical state; the tonsure.

  54. A whole bird with the legs and wings removed to produce a joint of meat.

  55. {{quote-text|en|year=2012|author=Paul Treyvaud|title=The Hooker in the Lobby

  56. A formal hat worn by women to Sunday church services; a ''crown''.

  57. (quote-text)

  58. (senseid) The knurled knob or dial, on the outside of a watch case, used to wind it or adjust the hands.

  59. Of, related to, or pertaining to a crown.

  60. Of, related to, pertaining to the top of a tree or trees.

  61. To place a crown on the head of.

  62. 2012, (w) (lyrics), performed by (w), “The Ballad of Three Kings” in ''Avalon is Risen'', originally published (in variant form) in Poul Anderson, “Three Kings”, ''Amra'', volume 2, number 64 (1975):

  63. The king of the Huns was crowned with steel, and rode a stallion red,/Saying: “Proud must my father’s spirit feel of me who crowned my head(nb..)
  64. To formally declare (someone) a king, queen, emperor, etc.

  65. (RQ:Dryden Indian Emperour)

  66. To bestow something upon as a mark of honour, dignity, or recompense; to adorn; to dignify.

  67. (RQ:KJV) hast crowned him with glory and honour.

  68. To form the topmost or finishing part of; to complete; to consummate; to perfect.

  69. (RQ:Byron Childe Harold)

  70. {{quote-text|en|year=1856|author=John Lothrop Motley|title=The Rise of the Dutch Republic

  71. To declare (someone) a winner.

  72. Of a baby, during the birthing process; for the surface of the baby's head to appear in the vaginal opening.

  73. 2007, David Schottke, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, ''First Responder: Your First Response in Emergency Care'', page 385

  74. You will see the baby's head crowning during contractions, at which time you must prepare to assist the mother in the delivery of the baby.
  75. {{quote-book|en|year=2010|author=Scott Gallagher|title=Dancing Upon the Shore|pageurl=|page=157

  76. To cause to round upward; to make anything higher at the middle than at the edges, such as the face of a machine pulley.

  77. To hit on the head.

  78. (RQ:Allingham China Governess) I remember a lady coming to inspect St. Mary's Home where I was brought up and seeing us all in our lovely Elizabethan uniforms we were so proud of, and bursting into tears all over us because “it was wicked to dress us like charity children”. We nearly crowned her we were so offended. She saw us but she didn't know us, did she?’.

  79. To shoot an opponent in the back of the head with a shotgun in a first-person shooter video game.

  80. In checkers, to stack two checkers to indicate that the piece has become a king.

  81. Of a fire or bushfire, to spread to the crowns of the trees and thence move from tree to tree independent of the surface fire.

  82. To widen the opening of the barrel.

  83. To effect a lodgment upon, as upon the crest of the glacis, or the summit of the breach.

  84. To lay the ends of the strands of (a knot) over and under each other.

  85. To be on the point of defecating.

  86. {{quote-text|en|year=2020|author=Eddy Keymolen|title=amerikanischen Umgangssprache|pageurl=|page=148

  87. (inflection of)

  88. {{quote-text|en|year=1823|author=Byron|title=Don Juan

  89. (alt form)