
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bli englanniksi

  1. linden, lime tree ((taxfmt))

  2. linden flower (used to make linden tea)

  3. sturgeon ((taxfmt))

  4. worth

  5. lead

  6. (syn)

  7. to stay, remain.

  8. (ux)

  9. (''as an auxiliary verb to create voice with the main verb in participle'') to be

  10. (''change, development over time'') to become, get, go.

  11. to be, become, will, going to, turn out,

  12. (''bills and payments'') to be, come to

  13. (alternative form of)

  14. to be necessary, to have to, to be

  15. ''Det blir 25 kroner.''

    ''That's 25 krone|kroner''

  16. to become

  17. to into (with an optional preposition ''till'')

  18. (senseid) to remain, to stay

  19. to be (q)

  20. ''used together with an adjective or past participle, meaning "has become"''

  21. 1915, (w), Kolvaktarens Visor, Tjuvskytten

  22. (quote)|Full of the years, heavy and tremblingwas he become, Hunter-Vilhelm (..)