
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bane englannista suomeksi

  1. kirous, riesa, kiusa, vaikeus

  1. vitsaus, kirous, riesa, maanvaiva

  2. tärvellä; vaivata

  3. Verbi

  4. Substantiivi

bane englanniksi

  1. A cause of misery or death.

  2. (syn)



  3. (RQ:Herbert Temple)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. Poison, especially any of several poisonous plants.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. A killer, murderer, slayer.

  8. Destruction; death.

  9. (RQ:Milton Eikonoklastes)

  10. A disease of sheep.

  11. To kill, especially by poison; to be the poison of.

  12. To be the bane of.

  13. (cap).

  14. 1686, "(w)" as printed in ''The Oxford Book of English Verse'' (1900) p. 361:

  15. The fire will burn thee to the bare bane.
  16. bane, person/thing/event that kills someone or something

  17. track

  18. trajectory

  19. (infl of)

  20. (gl-verb form of)

  21. (ja-romanization of)

  22. (inflection of)

  23. white, blank, pallid

  24. fair, blonde

  25. fallow

  26. open field, battlefield

  27. lane, track (for playing balls)

  28. road, way, path

  29. harm, pain

  30. murderer, slayer

  31. bane, destroyer

  32. (alt form)

  33. a trajectory

  34. a line

  35. a sports field

  36. a racing track

  37. (l) (q)

  38. death (q)

  39. to (l), as in

  40. ''bane (l) for - (l) for''

  41. bean

  42. (pt-verb form of)

  43. bone, limb

  44. cause of someone’s (violent) death; bane

  45. bone