
suomi-englanti sanakirja

toot englannista suomeksi

  1. puupitus, töräys

  2. tuutata

  3. bileet

  1. tuuttaus

  2. pieru

toot englanniksi

  1. The noise of a horn or whistle.

  2. (ux)

  3. A fart; flatus.

  4. Cocaine.

  5. A portion of cocaine that a person snorts.

  6. {{quote-journal|en|year=1981|journal=New York Magazine|volume=14|issue=35|page=30

  7. A spree of drunkenness.

  8. Rubbish; tat.

  9. (senseid) A message on the social networking software Mastodon.

  10. {{quote-journal|en|date=April 4, 2017|work=New York Magazine

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. (senseid) To out, or be prominent.

  13. (quote-book)

  14. (senseid) To peep; to look narrowly.

  15. November 9, 1550, (w), ''A Sermon preached at Stamford''

  16. In the court, in the noblemen's houses, at every merchant's house, those Observants were spying, tooting, and looking, watching and prying, what they might hear or see against the see of Rome.
  17. (senseid) To see; to spy.

  18. (senseid) To flatulate.

  19. (senseid) To make the sound of a horn or whistle.

  20. (RQ:Conrad Heart of Darkness)

  21. (senseid) To cause a horn or whistle to make its sound.

  22. (senseid) Of a bee: to make a high-pitched sound during certain stages of development.

  23. (cot)

  24. (senseid) To go on a drinking binge.

  25. (senseid) To snort (a recreational drug).

  26. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=Robert L. Glover|title=Street Corner Symphony: An American Story|page=65

  27. To post a message on a Mastodon instance (a self-hosted version of the networking software).

  28. A toilet.