
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ting englannista suomeksi

  1. kilahdus, helähdys

  2. helähtää, kilahtaa

  1. kilahdus, helähdys

  2. kilahtaa, helähtää

  3. Substantiivi

  4. Verbi

ting englanniksi

  1. Used to represent the sound of a small bell.

  2. {{quote-text|en|year=1839|author=Charles Dickens|chapter=The Private Theatricals|title=Sketches by Boz

  3. (RQ:Walliams Ratburger)

  4. A high-pitched ringing sound, as made when a small bell is struck.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. To make a high-pitched sharp sound like a small bell being struck.

  7. (ux)

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. An ancient Chinese vessel with legs and a lid.

  10. thing, person (often referring to a attractive female or a relation with one or engagements in criminal schemes or otherwise potentially disreputable connections).

  11. (quote-song)

  12. thing (q)

  13. assembly, parliament (q)

  14. parliament

  15. thing

  16. The sound made when a small bell is struck.

  17. lantern

  18. (syn)

  19. (nonstandard spelling of)

  20. a thing

  21. court, assembly

  22. an issue

  23. a living thing

  24. (infl of)

  25. white

  26. light (gl)

  27. nauseous; causing nausea

  28. ding

  29. a thing, an individual object

  30. a thing, a of law; a judicial or legislative assembly

  31. think