
suomi-englanti sanakirja

stade englanniksi

  1. (syn of): a former Greek unit of distance (variously 150–210(nbs)m at different places and times).

  2. A track for footraces and its surrounding stadium.

  3. A stage of progress

  4. in a journey.

  5. of a disease.

  6. in glaciation during which a secondary advance of the glaciers occurs.

  7. A of measure|unit of length notionally based on the height of a grown man, equivalent to a fathom.

  8. (synonym of): a traditional Spanish unit of measure equivalent to about 1.67 m.

  9. A chief town in an area or country.

  10. Fabric or textiles from or similar to those of Stade.

  11. A station for ships, as an anchorage or wharf.

  12. (infl of)

  13. stadion (gloss)

  14. stadium (gloss)

  15. stage

  16. (uxi)

  17. stage (gloss)

  18. (romanization of)

  19. (nn-former-context) (past participle of)