
suomi-englanti sanakirja

slider englannista suomeksi

  1. slider

  2. liukuja

  3. kelkkailija

  4. punakorvakilpikonna

  1. Substantiivi

  2. liukusäädin

  3. Verbi

slider englanniksi

  1. (non-gloss definition) one who slides.

  2. A door.

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. A pitch thrown with added pressure by middle and ring fingers yielding a combination of backspin and sidespin, resulting in a motion to the left when thrown by a right handed pitcher.

  5. (ux)

  6. A similar delivery in which the wrist and ring finger work to impart backspin to the ball.

  7. A small hamburger.

  8. A piece of Teflon or similar material attached to a curling shoe that allows the player to slide along the ice.

  9. The movable part of a fastener that opens or closes the row of teeth.

  10. (syn)

  11. A potentiometer with a linearly sliding control.

  12. A widget allowing the user to select a value or position on a sliding scale.

  13. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=Paul McFedries|title=Microsoft Windows Vista Unleashed|page=186

  14. A slideshow on a page.

  15. The (vern) ((taxlink), syn. (taxlink)).

  16. A rectangle of fabric that helps produce an orderly parachute deployment.

  17. (synonym of)

  18. An open-toed and backless sandal; a slide.

  19. {{quote-text|en|year=2019|author=Stormzy|title=Vossi Bop

  20. Causing slips; having low friction; greasy or slithery.

  21. Like a liquid, flowing, inviscid.

  22. Untrustworthy, bound to slip.

  23. Even; having a smoothened surface.

  24. Unsurely, unsteadily.

  25. Done without difficulty.

  26. (alt form)

  27. (l)

  28. to slip