
suomi-englanti sanakirja

zip englannista suomeksi

  1. sulkea vetoketjulla, sulkea

  2. nolla

  3. virta, puhti

  4. suhahtaa, kipaista, vilahtaa

  5. vetoketju

  1. vinkuna, viuhina continuous, vingahdus, viuhahdus individual

  2. puhti, virta

  3. viuh

  4. sulkea vetoketjulla">sulkea vetoketjulla

  5. sulkea, sinetöidä

  6. pakata

  7. ujeltaa

  8. vilahtaa, kipaista

  9. Substantiivi

zip englanniksi

  1. ZIP

  1. The high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.

  2. Energy; vigor; vim.

  3. A fastener.

  4. Zero; nothing.

  5. (ux)

  6. A trip on a zipline.

  7. A file.

  8. (synonym of)

  9. An ounce of marijuana.

  10. Imitative of high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.

  11. (quote-book)

  12. To close with a fastener.

  13. To close as if with a zip fastener.

  14. ''zip one's lip''

  15. To compress (one or more computer files) into a single and often smaller file, especially one in the ZIP format.

  16. To subject to the convolution mapping function.

  17. To move rapidly (in a specified direction or to a specified place) with a high-pitched sound.

  18. ''The bullet zipped through the air.''

  19. To move in haste (in a specified direction or to a specified place).

  20. ''Zip down to the shops for some milk.''

  21. (quote-journal)

  22. To make (something) move quickly

  23. {{quote-web

  24. To travel on a zipline.

  25. (ellipsis of)

  26. zipper

  27. (l)