
suomi-englanti sanakirja

mosca englanniksi

  1. fly (insect)

  2. fly (gloss)

  3. digital on-screen graphic

  4. (gl-verb form of)

  5. fly (gl)

  6. {{quote-book

  7. (RQ:it:Commedia)

  8. :

  9. fly (gl)

  10. spot

  11. patch (gl)

  12. Black spots on a horse's coat.

  13. a roasted bean sometimes served with sambuca

  14. a small ball of plastic material used to verify the thickness of the various parts of a mold

  15. aviso, boat

  16. (syn)

  17. (ellipsis of): a flyweight-class fighter.

  18. fly

  19. {{quote-text|osp|year=c. 1250|author=Alfonso X|title=Lapidario|section=f. 31v

  20. patch (gloss)

  21. bullseye (gloss)

  22. an annoying person

  23. (pt-verb form of)

  24. on-screen graphic

  25. (es-verb form of)