

  1. kärpänen

Liittyvät sanat: moscerino


englanti fly (gloss)
puhekieltä digital on-screen graphic
c. 1250: w:Alfonso X|Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 31v.
Et ſi tomaren cinco moſcas o ſiete ¬ les tollieren las cabeças ¬ las machucaren con eſta piedra. ¬ las puſieren ſobre la ferida dela bieſpa, ſana luego ¬ faz perder la dolor.
: And if the took five flies, or seven, and they took their heads and crushed them with this stone, and they put them on a wasp sting, it would then heal it and alleviate the pain.
puhekieltä fly (gloss)

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