
suomi-englanti sanakirja

mera englanniksi

  1. The seventh month of Meitei traditional calendar.

  2. child

  3. (feminine singular of)

  4. water

  5. (synonym of)

  6. drizzle

  7. (syn)

  8. freezing drizzle

  9. thick mist

  10. damage it can cause in crops and fruits

  11. lot, allotment, share of a plot

  12. (adj form of)

  13. (inflection of)

  14. mirror

  15. model, example

  16. be in a certain state, feel a certain way

  17. (ux)

  18. sprout

  19. apple (gl)

  20. measure

  21. dimension, size

  22. rate

  23. degree

  24. extent

  25. unit

  26. more; (comparative of)

  27. more, anymore

  28. pasture, grassland