
suomi-englanti sanakirja

drizzle englannista suomeksi

  1. sadesumu, tihku, tihkusade

  2. vihmoa, sataa tihkua, tihuttaa

  3. kostuttaa, valella

  1. Verbi

  2. tihuttaa, tihkuttaa, sataa tihkua, vihmoa

  3. valella

  4. lorottaa

  5. Substantiivi

  6. tihkusade, vihma

  7. sadesumu, tihku

drizzle englanniksi

  1. To rain lightly.

  2. (ux)

  3. To shed slowly in minute drops or particles.

  4. (RQ:Spenser Shepheardes Calender)

  5. (RQ:Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet)

  6. To pour slowly and evenly, especially oil or honey in cooking.

  7. To cover by pouring in this manner.

  8. To urinate. (rfex)

  9. To carry out parfilage, the process of unravelling.

  10. Light rain.

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. Very small, numerous, and uniformly dispersed water drops, mist, or sprinkle. Unlike fog droplets, drizzle falls to the ground.

  13. Water.

  14. A cake onto which icing, honey or syrup has been drizzled in an artistic manner.

  15. April 19, 2013,(w), "How to Cook the Perfect Lemon Drizzle Cake" in ''The Guardian''

  16. Drizzle is not normally good news. Not when it's falling from the sky, not when it's replacing a decent helping of sauce, and especially not when it's found on a menu in close proximity to the words "balsamic vinegar". Deliciously sticky, sweet and sour lemon drizzle cake is the one, and very honourable, exception.
  17. (quote-book)