
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lana englanniksi

  1. The tree (taxlink).

  2. tongue

  3. wool

  4. oil

  5. (syn)

  6. gasoline; petrol

  7. wave that looks like a thin film of oil on the surface

  8. medicinal aromatic oil

  9. oil that supposedly grants the (m) the abilities of flight, shapeshifting, etc.

  10. wool

  11. drag

  12. a bag-shaped net; fyke

  13. floating, buoyant, adrift

  14. (usex)

  15. calm, still (water)

  16. to float, drift

  17. to circulate, be circulating

  18. to want, have hopes

  19. to be aware of sounds as one wakes up

  20. frog

  21. woolen / woollen

  22. (Q)

  23. oil

  24. oil (gloss)

  25. (inflection of)

  26. (infl of)

  27. (alt form)

  28. (uxi)

  29. cash, money, dough

  30. to participate in a party

  31. wool cloth or garment

  32. woolen; made of wool

  33. oil

  34. species of small banana

  35. oil (usually cooking oil)