knock off

suomi-englanti sanakirja

knock off englannista suomeksi

  1. kähveltää

  2. tappaa, toimittaa pois päiviltä

  3. vähentää hinnasta

  4. kyhätä

  5. lopettaa

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

knock off englanniksi

  1. (alternative form of)

  2. To halt one's work or other activity.

  3. (ux)

  4. *(RQ:Capek Selver RUR)

  5. (syn)

  6. To kill.

  7. To defeat.

  8. To remove, as a discount or estimate.

  9. To rob.

  10. To make a copy of, as of a design.

  11. To assign (an item) to a bidder at an auction, indicated by knocking on the counter.

  12. To sex with.

  13. (quote-book)

  14. To accomplish hastily.

  15. To remove by hitting (something, someone)

  16. (quote-journal)