
suomi-englanti sanakirja

kaon englannista suomeksi

  1. kaoni

  1. Substantiivi

  2. kaoni

  3. Verbi

kaon englanniksi

  1. any of four unstable particles, mesons, they are a combination of a strange quark or antiquark and either an up or down quark or antiquark

  2. K0: strange quark + down antiquark

  3. K0* (antiparticle of K0): down quark + strange antiquark

  4. K+: strange quark + up antiquark

  5. K- (antiparticle of K+): up quark + strange antiquark

  6. to eat

  7. to eat; to dine

  8. to feed or give (q) food to eat

  9. to eat tape (q)

  10. for a cassette player, etc. to eat tape

  11. to act in an unusual way

  12. to destroy by fire, erosion, etc.

  13. to consume; up

  14. to take a man in games of chess, checkers, etc.

  15. in (m), to return the shuttlecock by kicking, or for the return kick to be caught and kicked by the opponent

  16. (l)

  17. kaon

  18. (infl of)

  19. (ux)

  20. (ja-romanization of)

  21. pip, seed