
suomi-englanti sanakirja

helen englanniksi

  1. Helen

  1. to heal.

  2. 1805, IJsbrand van Hamelsveld (tr.), Jeremiah 46, 11, ''De Bijbel, uit het Hebreeuwsch. Het Oude Testament'', Johannes Allart (publ.), page 908.

  3. (quote)

    (ux) (Marco Borsato – Wereld Zonder Jou)

  4. To accept (and sell) stolen goods; to fence.

  5. (ux)

  6. to hide, to conceal, to keep secret, to quiet

  7. to heal, to make better

  8. to fix, to mend, to repair

  9. to make whole

  10. (senseid) to cure, heal

  11. to heal, get better

  12. to reform

  13. to cover

  14. to clothe

  15. to roof (gl)

  16. to embrace

  17. to conceal, hide

  18. to shelter, protect

  19. to be silent, keep a secret

  20. (monikko) enm|hele||concealment

  21. (monikko) enm|hele|t=heel|id=heel