
suomi-englanti sanakirja

grue englanniksi

  1. To be frightened; to shudder with fear.

  2. (quote-book)|title=Pirate (novel)|The Pirate|volume=I|location=Philadelphia|publisher=H. C. Carey and I. Lea|pages=111–112|pageurl=|passage=“It is seenteen hundred linen,” said the pedlar, giving a tweak to one of the shirts, in that knowing manner with which matrons and judges ascertain the texture of the loom&8239;; “it’s seenteen hundred linen, and as strong as an it were dowlas. Nevertheless, mother, your bidding is to be done&8239;; and I would have done Mr. Mordaunt’s bidding too,” he added, relaxing from his note of defiance, into the deferential whining tone with which he cajoled his customers, “if he hadna made use of profane oaths which made my very flesh grue, and caused me, in some sort, to forget myself.”

  3. A shiver, a shudder.

  4. {{quote-text|en|year=1902|author=John Buchan|title=The Outgoing of the Tide

  5. 1964, Geoffrey Jenkins, (title):

  6. A Grue of Ice
  7. (quote-book)|title=Poor Things|publisher=Bloomsbury|year_published=2002|page=25

  8. Any byproduct of a gruesome event, such as gore, viscera, entrails, blood and guts.

  9. ''The butcher was covered in the accumulated grue of a hard day's work''

    ''There was grue everywhere after the accident''

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=1958|author=Samuel Youd; writing as John Christopher|title=The Caves of Night

  11. 1996, Linda Badley, ''Writing Horror and the Body''

  12. ''Carrie'' is Cinderella in the body language of menstrual blood and raging hormones. King’s adolescent joy in grimaces and groans, the ''Mad'' magazine humor, and the staple of “grue” hardly need mentioning.
  13. 2002, Carole Nelson Douglas, ''Chapel Noir''

  14. ... She is quite agreeable to gruesome ghost stories, but appalled by the lust for life.” / “I admit that I am surprised by how well she handles sheer grue, better than I.”
  15. 2004, Talbot Mundy, ''Guns of the Gods''

  16. “This is the grue,” said Dick, holding his lantern high. / Its light fell on a circle of skeletons, all perfect, each with its head toward a brass bowl in the center.
  17. A fictional man-eating predator that dwells in the dark.

  18. {{quote-journal|en|year=1981|journal=Byte|volume=6

  19. (quote-newsgroup) Australian animals the GRUE.... your guide|

  20. {{quote-newsgroup|en|year=2004|author=M.D. Dollahite|title=How would you imagine a grue?|

  21. Of an object, green when first observed before a specified time or blue when first observed after that time.

  22. {{quote-text|en|year=1965|author=Nelson Goodman|title=Fact, Fiction and Forecast

  23. (quote-book)

  24. (senseid) A single color inclusive of both green and blue as different shades, used in translations from languages such as old Welsh and Chinese that lacked a distinction between green and blue.

  25. Nutraloaf, a bland mixture of foods served in prisons.

  26. crane (gloss)

  27. prostitute, hooker

  28. (inflection of)

  29. fireplace

  30. To be queasy or nervous in anticipation of something.

  31. (ux)

  32. an open brick fireplace, a hearth

  33. wealth, greed