
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Chinese englannista suomeksi

  1. kiinalainen, Kiinan

  2. kiina, kiinankieli

  1. kiinalainen

  2. kiinalaiset (monikko)

  3. kiina

  4. Substantiivi

  5. kiinalainen, kiinalainen ruoka">kiinalainen ruoka

Chinese englanniksi

  1. Of, from, or related to China, particularly now the People's Republic of China.

  2. (ux)

  3. {{quote-journal |en |url= |date=1980 November 30 |title=Communist China's 'Pin Yin' system causes confusion among foreigners |journal=Free China Weekly |volume=XXI |issue=47 |location=Taipei |page=1 |pageurl=

  4. Of, from, or related to the people of China, particularly the Chinese and their culture whether in China or overseas.

  5. {{quote-book

  6. Of, from, or related to a language native to Chinese persons, often used generally of characters or particularly to refer to Mandarin.

  7. {{quote-book|en|year=1928|author=Otto Jespersen|title=An International Language|page=82

  8. (quote-book)|url=|edition=3rd revised|publisher=Harvard University Press|ISBN=978-0-674-06715-8|LCCN=2011285309|OCLC=873859851|page=14|pageurl=|text=The DPRK (Joseon Minjujui Inmin Konghuaguk (lang)) is read in Chinese as Chaoxian minzhu zhuyi renmin gonghe guo, and its capital, Pyeonyang, is pronounced Pingrang (lang).

  9. As exotic, unusual, backwards, or unorganized as someone or something from China.

  10. Having doors with a horizontal orientation.

  11. (cot)

  12. The citizens of China, particularly citizens of the People's Republic of China.

  13. (quote-journal)

  14. The Chinese, whether in China or overseas.

  15. The Chinese language, written in characters and spoken and spelled using Mandarin pronunciation.

  16. The branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family including Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghainese, Min, and other closely related language varieties and dialects.

  17. The logographic writing system shared by most Sinitic languages.

  18. A person/people from China or of Chinese descent.

  19. (quote-book)

  20. Chinese cuisine.

  21. A meal consisting of Chinese cuisine.

  22. woman from China

  23. (infl of)

  24. A Chinese person, particularly a Chinese person

  25. Chinese restaurant

  26. (syn)