
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gloss englannista suomeksi

  1. selitys, määritelmä, glossa

  2. kiillottaa

  3. kaunistelu, pintakiilto

  4. sanaluettelo

  5. varustaa huomautuksin ja selityksin

  6. selittää, lisätä eri kielinen käännös

  7. kiilto

  1. kiilto

  2. pintakiilto

  3. kiillottaa

  4. selitys

  5. selittää

  6. Substantiivi

gloss englanniksi

  1. A surface shine or luster.

  2. (syn)

  3. A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance.

  4. (syn).

  5. (RQ:Goldsmith Deserted Village)

  6. (quote-web) may now have to bring in (w) on the left and, on that basis, a certain amount of gloss was taken off a night on which (w) scored twice but barely celebrated either before leaving the pitch angrily complaining to the Slovakian referee.

  7. To give a gloss or sheen to.

  8. To make (something) attractive by deception

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=1722|author=Ambrose Philips|title=The Briton

  10. To become shiny.

  11. (used in phrasal verbs)

  12. A brief explanatory note or translation of a foreign, archaic, technical, difficult, complex, or uncommon expression, inserted after the original, in the margin of a document, or between lines of a text.

  13. {{quote-text|en|year=1684|author=Samuel Butler|title=Hudibras

  14. (quote-book)

  15. A glossary; a collection of such notes.

  16. An expression requiring such explanatory treatment.

  17. An extensive commentary on some text.

  18. An interpretation by a court of a specific point within a statute or law.

  19. {{quote-book|en|year=1979|author=American Bar Foundation.|title=Annotated code of professional responsibility|pageurl=|page=ix

  20. {{quote-book|en|year=2007|author=Bruce R. Hopkins.|title=The law of tax-exempt organizations.|pageurl=|page=76

  21. To add a gloss to (a text).

  22. gloss (gloss)