
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gasta englanniksi

  1. (ca-verb form of)

  2. (gl-verb form of)

  3. fast; quick, rapid

  4. (syn)

  5. smart; quick, clever

  6. neat, tidy

  7. (feminine singular of)

  8. (pt-verb form of)

  9. excellent, good

  10. (uxi)

  11. handsome, beautiful, well-shaped, comely, fine

  12. clever, expert, ingenious, skilful

  13. generous, open-handed

  14. chaste

  15. gallant, brave

  16. (quote-text)-sa, ''hò hò'', dh'(l)ainn (l), ''trom eile''|t=Alasdair son of, ''hò hò'', gallant Coll, ''hò hò''From your hand, ''hò hò'', I'd expect valour, ''trom eile''

  17. neat

  18. (es-verb form of)

  19. to shout or scream at the top of one's voice

  20. spending of money