
suomi-englanti sanakirja

excellent englannista suomeksi

  1. erinomainen

  1. erinomainen, loistava

  2. Verbi

  3. Substantiivi

excellent englanniksi

  1. Having excelled, having surpassed.

  2. Of higher or the highest quality; splendid.

  3. {{RQ:Belloc Lowndes Lodger|I|0016

  4. Exceptionally good of its kind.

  5. (quote-journal)

  6. (ux)

  7. Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality.

  8. 1754–1762, (w), ''The History of England''

  9. Elizabeth, therefore, who was an excellent hypocrite
  10. (RQ:Beaumont Fletcher Comedies and Tragedies)

  11. Excellently.

  12. (RQ:Burton Melancholy), New York Review Books 2001, p.287:

  13. Lucian, in his tract ''de Mercede conductis'', hath excellent well deciphered such men's proceedings in his picture of Opulentia .
  14. excellent, splendid

  15. (syn)

  16. (l); splendid

  17. (inflection of)

  18. (l)

  19. (quote-book)