
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fri englanniksi

  1. Fri

  1. (l); (l)

  2. nose

  3. to propose (gloss)

  4. free

  5. vacant, unoccupied

  6. available

  7. to free (gloss)

  8. including the cost of

  9. ''mil eŭroj fri haveno''

    a thousand euros including shipping costs

    ''cent dolaroj fri dogano''

    one hundred dollars including customs duty

  10. (obsolete form of)

  11. free

  12. towards, to

  13. (RQ:mga:SMMD)

  14. free, not imprisoned or enslaved

  15. (ux)

  16. free, not blocked

  17. free, no payment necessary

  18. to propose (marriage)

  19. to free

  20. free, unbound

  21. against

  22. with

  23. (q) to

  24. from (q) and its compounds and syonyms

  25. woman

  26. from

  27. to free

  28. freedom

  29. {{quote-journal|srn

  30. free, unconstrained

  31. free, not imprisoned, released

  32. free, without obligations

  33. free of charge, gratis

  34. to tear, to rip

  35. (soft mutation of)