
suomi-englanti sanakirja

duff englannista suomeksi

  1. rusinavanukas

  1. rikkinäinen

  2. takamus

duff englanniksi

  1. Dough.

  2. A stiff flour pudding, often with dried fruit, boiled in a cloth bag, or steamed.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. 1901, Lawson|Henry Lawson, short story ''The Ghosts of Many Christmases'', published in ''Children of the Bush'' http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/7065:

  5. The storekeeper had sent them an unbroken case of canned plum pudding, and probably by this time he was wondering what had become of that blanky case of duff.
  6. {{quote-text|en|year=2000|author=Robert Barlas|title=Bahamas|page=118

  7. A pudding-style dessert, especially one made with plums.

  8. {{quote-journal|en|year=1891|title=The Life of a Naval Apprentice|author=John R. Spears|journal=The Chautauquan|volume=13

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=2009|title=Plum duff updated|author=Graham Hawkes

  10. Decaying vegetable matter on the forest floor.

  11. 1886, Annual Report of the Forest Commission of the State of New York

  12. Forest fires have often been started from wantonness; for the sake of making a big blaze, fires will be carelessly left by guides, or will be smouldering in the duff,where it will burn for weeks. I have seen the smoke from fires in the duff even after the snow has fallen.
    Local term for the vegetable growth covering the forest ground of the Adirondacks. under the spruce trees, the falling needles accumulate to considerable depth, forming the "spruce duff''," a peculiar and interesting variety of forest humus.
  13. 1935, "New Equipment for Obtaining Host Material for the Mass Production of Trichogramma Minutum, an Egg Parasite of Various Insect Pests" by Herbert Spencer, Luther Brown, Arthur M. Phillips (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

  14. These methods also make it possible for the forest officer to describe and to record his observations in precise terms such as “6% percent duff moisture” rather than in generalities such as “pretty dry duff.”
  15. 1979, "Estimating pinyon and juniper fuel and biomass from aerial photographs" by Richard O. Meeuwig, Elwood LaVern Miller, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (USDA Forest Service)

  16. Depth of litter and duff under the crown of each tree was measured at a point that appeared to represent average depth. Bulk samples of litter (including duff) were taken under four pinyons and three junipers, and ovendried.
  17. 1991, "Woody Fuel and Duff Consumption by Prescribed Fire in Northern Idaho Mixed Conifer Logging Slash" from the U.S. Department of Agriculture

  18. The moisture content of the deep pockets of rotten wood was much greater than of the litter-derived duff layer.
  19. {{quote-text|en|year=1999|author=George R.R. Martin|title=A Clash of Kings|page=366|publisher=Bantam|year_published=2011

  20. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=Kathy Morey; Mike White; Stacey Corless|title=Sierra South: Backcountry Trips in Californias Sierra Nevada|page=250

  21. {{quote-text|en|year=2019|author=Nicola Twilley|chapter=Trailblazers|title=The New Yorker

  22. Coal dust, especially that left after screening or combined with other small, unsaleable bits of coal.

  23. Fine and dry coal in small pieces, usually anthracite.

  24. {{quote-text|en|year=1917|author=William Henry Fowler|title=The Mechanical Engineer

  25. A mixture of coal and rock.

  26. The bits left in the bottom of the bag after the booty has been consumed, like crumbs.

  27. Something spurious or fake; a counterfeit; a worthless thing; a defective thing.

  28. (syn)

  29. An error. (defdate)

  30. Worthless; not working properly, defective.

  31. ''Why do I always get a shopping trolley with duff wheels?''

  32. (quote-text)

  33. {{quote-journal|en|date=May 18, 2008|author=R J Smith|title=Death Cab Is Up for the Long Haul|work=New York Times|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/18/arts/music/18smit.html

  34. The buttocks.

  35. To disguise something to make it look new.

  36. To alter the branding of stolen cattle; to steal cattle.

  37. To hit the ground behind the ball.

  38. (alt form) (gloss)

  39. dull (gl)